wsToolset 2.2.0

The wsToolset 2.2.0 is the latest release of the ASTRO toolset that addresses the Web service composition task using the 'datanet' technique.

The wsToolset 2.2.0 does not address the 'ground level' and 'knowledge level' technique for Web service composition and the tasks of Web service monitoring and verification. In this respect the wsToolset 2.2.0 does not completely replace the wsToolset 1.x.x.

The wsToolset 2.2.0, on the other side, addresses other novel aspects of the Web service composition task: choreographic composition (rather than orchestration), loops within services, synchronous calls, BPEL 2.0 and other minor issues.

The wsToolset 2.2.0 is not completely compatible with the other tools/plugins of the ASTRO suite. Nevertheless the samples provided with the wsToolset 2.2.0 namely VTA and VOS, are compatible with the wsAnimator and the BPEL deriving from their usage are eligible for deployment (with the wsChainAmanger) and execution (with the wsAnimator) onto the ActiveBPEL engine 2.0.


Binary Packages

wsToolset2: [12.5 MB]

Source Packages

wsToolset2: [36.6 MB]

synTools: [624 KB]


Visit the release notes page to discover what's new in the wsToolset 2.

Visit the readme page to get further information about the wsToolset 2.

echo "Last Update: ".date("d F Y", filemtime("relnotes.php")); ?>
