
back to ASTRO Suite 3.4.1

System Requirements

The following tools are necessary to install the components of the ASTRO suite:



Install from binary:

Download wsToolset 1.8.0 binary code:

wsToolset-1.8.0_installer.jar [11.5 MB]

To install the wsToolset execute the following command:

java -jar wsToolset-1.8.0_installer.jar

During the installation you will be asked to indicate the folder that is to contain the installation of the wsToolset. The pathname of the installation folder should not contain blanks. The installer will create the folder if it does not exist.

In order to complete the installation you need to properly configure the application by setting the following system variables:


PATH=\tools\wsTranslator\bin; \tools\synTools\bin; \tools\NuSMV\bin;%PATH%

where corresponds to the installation folder you chose during the installation.

Install from sources:

Download wsTranslator 0.14.0 source code: [10.3 MB]

Download syntools 0.13.1 source code:

syntools-0.13.1_src.tar.gz [528.2 KB]

Follow the instruction inside the README file


Download wsMonitor 1.6.0 binary code:

wsMonitor-1.6.0_installer.jar [14.4 MB]

To install the wsMonitor execute the following command:

java -jar wsMonitor-1.6.0_installer.jar

During the installation you will be asked to indicate the folder that is to contain the installation of the wsMonitor. The wsMonitor must be installed in the CATALINA_HOME folder of the ActiveBPEL engine that you intend to use.


The installation of the Astro Suite Eclipse Plugins takes advantage of the Eclipse Update mechanism. Select the Eclipse menu item "Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install..." and define a new Eclipse update site with the following location: "". Select the plugins that you want to install amongst the following:

back to ASTRO Suite 3.4.1

echo "Last Update: ".date("d F Y", filemtime("install.php")); ?>
