Different initiatives provide funding and resources to ASTRO:
- S-Cube (Software Services and Systems) is a Network of Excellence funded by EU within the context of the 7th Framework Programme. S-Cube is coordinated by University of Duisburg-Essen, and sees the cooperation of 15 partners from 11 European countries. The goal of S-Cube is to establish a unified, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which will enable Europe to lead the software-services revolution, helping shape the software-service based Internet which is the backbone of our future interactive society.
- ALLOW (Adaptable Pervasive Flows) is a Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The consortium includes six European research institutions. The objective of the project is to develop a new programming paradigm for human- oriented pervasive applications. This paradigm will enable pervasive technical systems to adapt automatically and seamlessly to humans involved and embedded in them, explicitly supporting people in achieving well-defined goals in dynamically changing environments and contexts.
- (Empowering the service industry with SLA-aware infrastructures), a project funded by the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013. is a consortium of leading Industrial, Academic and Research Institutes from around Europe committed to research, engineer and demonstrate technologies that can embed SLA-aware infrastructures into the service economy.
- KLASE (Knowledge Level Automated Software Engineering), a project funded by the Italian Ministry for Research under the FIRB framework (founds for basic research)protocol RBNE0195K5. KLASE involves different partners: ITC-IRST, the University of Trento, The University of Genoa, the University La Sapienza (Rome), and DeltaDator, an Industrial Partner developing e-Government applications.
- RISICOM, an industrial project for DelataDator, which, among other activities, includes the development of workflow management systems and distributed business process for e-Governmnet and Environmental applications.
- STRAP, a project funded by the Italian Ministry for Research under the PRIN 2004 call, whose aim is to develop automated reasoning techniques to support the design and execution of web services. STRAP involves different partners: the University of Trento, The University of Genoa, the University La Sapienza (Rome).
- SMTPPs, a research project funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento. The project includes tasks for the research on requirement-driven development of Web Services.